mea culpa.
i, thief of hearts,
for the cataclysm in my pocket-
a polite villainy i've inflicited with impunity,
only to find it absent;
and i've
spent lifetimes giving pause to emotion,
-i structured a macabre sustenance out of the fibers of
your patience
claiming what isn't mine
and now, this,
my tepid communion with your good graces,
an acknowledgement of my disgrace
i place beneath
the skin of your dreams-
swallowing my belated moments
for the sake
of your new day
worte that last night...yeah.
and, i made it to school on time. early even. yo...
lemme tell you how dayb©sizzlin sak lucked OWT! man... so i get to class, and i'm doing my final project, the hallway drawing. i'm flying through it, measuring and marking, throwing this drawing down in record time, with record efficiency... straight up KILLING it. my instructor is dumbfounded at the way i'm murdering this project. i'm not embellishing, she was really amazed. she's like, "everybody else is struggling, but you really have the concept.. you are just about done!" so i'm happy. right?
then, bless her little soul, she suggests that i spend a little more time doing this one, and while every one else uses the next two class periods to finish theirs, i can do another one for E x t r a C r e d i t. that, folks, is what i am talking about. best news i had all day.
i'm out tho.