what up sonlight.
but yeah.
*adjusts mic*
i just wanna spit a PSA at cats. i'm about tired of the greasybulllsheezy. like, folk not respecting my feelings, my plans, or my gangsta. i'm like aretha and rodney dangerfield wrapped up in a lil brown nigga blanket. and, i'm getting an attitude.
sometimes i wonder what's my point in stifling my tongue. like, i need to break some stuff so cats know i'm about mines.
i think one of my flaws is that i excuse people. alot. i give them breaks, i look at the bright side, and folks be fkn me OVER. or whatever. my parents for instance... sometimes i gotta step back and see things for how they really are. sometimes my father does things simply to rock whatever proverbial boat i'm in. and, i always end up getting over it by bedtime, but i need to start holding grudges. really. people get away with some wild isht with me, and now i'm vowing to call cats out on it. i've swallowed it for too long, and quite frankly, i've grown fatigued as to the taste.
okay, positives.
i upgraded my comp, because it wasn't really up to par for anything besides listening to mp3s. i stripped it completely. formatted the h/d, installed win2kpro, dropped in 256mb of ram, reinstalled only the beatcreation programs, and lemme tell ya, it brings a tear to my eye to see that sumbeech move like it does.
i need every bit of that 320mb ram to run cubase sx.
that program is the truth.
though it has a decided learning curve, particularly for cats who know nothing about cubase, logic, cakewalk, midi, all they know is "i wanna make beats yo". but really, put some time on it, and have a capable comp, the sky and your ceiling for imaginitiveness is the limit. and i hope i spelt that right.
so now it's about beats rhymes and life, and jawns on the weekends. lol nah, really it's about br&l, because like, i just took all my excuses and voided them.
gonna grab a new soundcard and a new turntable, maybe a midi controller and then it's officially on.
yo... that roots concert on wednesday was perfectly timed. i procure escapism where i can, and a dope show is always right on time. seeing thought spit... i dunno. it's spiritual man. i hope one day i'm that skilled at this stuff. plus, it was good seeing familiar faces and stayin out late, havin a drink and actin stupid. watching lakers lose isn't as good as watching sixers win, but you know, i'll take what i can get.
yeah. consider yourselves updated, beeches.
new mc on the dope-list. blueprint. whoa. that's my homie, dukes.