yeah, i know. it's late. i can't sleep. sue me.
so today was a collection of highs and lows.
i'll not mention the lows. they know what they are, and i have only silence in their behalf.
so school is finally done. i had my final review today, and it wasn't nearly as bad as i thought it would be. i'm thinking that a pair of Bs is how the final grades are looking, which is good considering. i cleaned out my locker, lugged all my work home, and i won't see the inside of communtity college until july.
i'm amped about starting a label now. i don't know if that will even pan out; i guess the hardest part about it is getting it to be successful. from what i understand, anybody can start a indie label. i did some research on what's required, and with some capital and hardwork, i think it's a feasible venture. i'd like to try. just to put my stuff out.
look... i'm building something here.. i'm adding things as i go, freestyling my life for sure, but i have an ultimate point to make.
i mean, yeah, it's basically that i'm dope, but i don't think there's anything wrong with that.
but honestly, i'm also- more significantly even- trying to make sure i'm going about things right. sometimes i wonder whether i overcontemplate my existence. i imagine it's pretty obvious that i do give lots of thought to it, but- i'm 23. i shouldn't lose so much sleep over it. 's life i guess. everything seem so serious.
really, though. i just want to know i'm doing right by myself, and everyone involved with me. honestly, to anyone with that level of involvement who's reading... i just want to do right by you. i hope the rifts i will inevitably create (have created) along the way don't become impassable schisms.
but yeah. ::mushmomentover::
this summer's concentration is building bank and beatcrafting. penning rhymes and getting things in order to make a dream a reality.
and sak, if i had your paper, man. i'd really have no excuse for not having some singles pressed.
but life is life, and eventually i'll pimp the game. watch.