it's been a long time.
15 days to be exact.
i guess alot has happened since then.
i've really got to accept that my old lay out is gone, along with my links and my hits counter. just get over it, keep it moving, and work with this.
i'll tell you what, once i finally do do that- i have a new link to offer.
finally got around to getting myself a soundclick page.
now i can put my productions on the net for all to hear. i've been getting good reviews about that beat. so, that's what's up. i think i'm going to do a beat, start to finish, per week for the duration- until the semester starts up again. and then i'm going to start writing to them on the freal freal.
gotta get a buzz goin.
enough about the music, though. i beat y'all in the heads with that all day everyday.
i'm trying to save up $4-500 so i can head to an auction and cop a wheel. tired of catching the matherfocking bus everywhere.
(i'll edit and repost later. gotta shower up.)