it's been a while.
a good bit has transpired since my last entry.
almost too much to remember. so, i'ma take my time with this one. i'm cooking Nissin Top Ramen (chicken flavored) as we speak, becuase, damn if a nucka isn't hungry.
let's see.
last entry was october 13th, regarding my urine test. that was a monday.
nothing that i can really rememeber happened that week. i had some weekend chores to attend to, but other than that, it was a pretty simple week.
the week of the 20th, tho, was crazy.
that weekend i was to visit pratt institute with sak. turned out that this was going down the night before, so i figured i'd try to do both, make the weekend interesting.
what was i thinking.
never mix business with pleasure yo. i semi-parted(more on the semi later) on friday, got back to the homie tab's house about, oh i dunno, 4? mind you, i'm supposed to be AT pratt by 9am.
man, i woke UP at 10. got my ass going, but again, the herb in me decided to get aggressive with my day. i hop the E train, except i hopped the uptown E train, and i end up way out in queens. pratt's in brooklyn. so, i missed pretty much all of the proceedings.
it's really all good tho. like sak said:
i went to NY
saw the school
chillt w/ friends and him <-------- best paht
came back home
loved the excursion
but pratt is out"
it's still a pipe dream, but damn.
least not for right now.
side note: i came to this conclusion as i read sak's blog... i just got really depressed. reality is a bitch. with pms. and an uncomfortable bra.
yeah so.
by this time, after extended periods of being on foot, walking aimlessly in brooklyn... i fucked my feet up. the backs of my heels were on hurt mode for the rest of the weekend.
but, it was a cool day anyway, in spite of all the misfortune and ill-fated occurence. i hung with a group of cool peeps, assisted friends in need the best i could, saw some folks i really missed.
can't complain.
karas' dude is a cool cat. and he's got heat with the beats. maybe we can team up, give us both a year. since my rhymes done fell off, i'll slide sak the mic, and us three can do this. lol
and, i got to chill with an old friend, albeit under unfortunate circumstances.
she's good with me, man.
sunday, i went to hear a friend sing at a church. she killed it, even tho she said she couldn't hear the music. then i went home.
all in all, the weekend made me not wanna move to new york. of course, a week later, i'm back on the nyc horse, but for a few days, i was like "f'ck the big city."
otherwise, things have been steady. i'm really falling into routine with this job... i'm already used to getting up, going to work, coming home, going to sleep, the whole vicious cycle. i guess that's sort of a good thing. it makes the time go faster. a nigga is hustling for december.
oh yeah.
my grandfather promised his jeep cherokee to me and my sister. i'm supposed to see that some time in december, which is a helluva wait, especially when you have to take septa to and from work every day.
tres horrible. i might just end up copping a wheel anyway...
what else, what else-
man, i went to see scary movie 3 last night.
or, so they'd have you believe. apparently, the two jerky white guys in the seat next to me thought so.
but dogs, if that wasn't some bullshiT, i'ont know what is. maybe i've fashioned myself too cynical a motherfucker for that type of laugh a minute humor, but it was really just a constant barrage of asinine jokes. like watching carrot top make an ass of himself for 3 hours.
do not waste your money on that movie.
$10 at the bridge theater on upenn's campus. i'm warning you, because i took one for the team.
ended up hanging out with my cousin, lenee, and two of said cousin's friends.
ah, my dear cousin, who keeps telling me about her trysts with people i know, whether directly or by association.
it's good conversation fodder tho.
i can not wait until christmas/new year's vacation.
and *you* know why.