has it really been that long?
wow, 20 days.
anyways. i'm 2 days from a well deserved vacation. stamina is at an all time low, cuz. i REALLY need this break. i'm amped about the concert, but moreso about getting some serious t&a... i mean, r&r...
i mean, fuck jose, fuck umbrellas, fuck girard ave. yo... for reals. i'm almost fake SERIOUSLY considering not coming back for more after the break. they don't pay me enough to put up with the bullshit i put up with. first couple of days of the break, i'm going to be assaulting prospective positions with my resume and winning smile, man.
i wonder...
can you all tell that i'm forcing the SHIT out of this entry?
i hate when this happens, all my creativity gets sapped out of me when i get wrapped up in the day to day doldrums, specifically work... it's happened to me before, and it's starting up all over again.
anyway- lex (my sister) is house watching in west philly for the week, and she took the car with her. pretty much sucks for me travelwise, but it's great as far as quiet in the house.
's all good. if we have the jeep by the 29th, KNOW that i'm going to exploit it all christmas break.
i was walking home from work today and i saw this cat doing a fucking line in the middle of the street. unbelievable. on some brazen shit. i expect the apocalypse no later than next year.
aulelei, i'm not embracing the silence. i can't afford to.