quick hits.
i'm on lunch break right now, but i wanted to get some shit out before too long, so i got 20 minutes to do what usually takes me a good hour or two.
so here we go.
yesterday, early in the evening, i received a phone call from my estranged best friend. i hadn't spoken to duke in close to a year, and here he was, on the phone. first think i wanna know is where the hell he's been.
"dog, i been down for the past 6 months."
"DOWN. like, locked down."
okay... so that's why i haven't heard from him. this fool was in jail. he didn't get into too much detail about why he was locked up, but he did say it was due to some drama between he and his father. he didn't expound, i didn't ask.
he had just been released either saturday or yesterday, and was on the streets again. his dad won't put him up... i'm like, son, you don't have ANY peeps? he immediately cut me off like "NO. you *are* my peeps, dog."
i guess.
if i was your peeps, would you keep disrespecting our friendship by getting caught up in dumb shit?
i knew from the hurried manner of speak that he wanted something. he's more slow and methodical when he gets into his ethereal religio-prophetic rhetoric.
"i need a small favor from you, man."
$50 boots. it really is a small favor, but cats is tight, yo. i just broke off pops for rent. JUST payed a cell bill. and i'm trying to save so i can move come february 1st? and then my sister is harassing me about $80 i owe her?
so i'm gonna meet him in germantown, help him get these boots.
that cat needs help.
in other news-
time to start looking for a new job. this job is cool, but on the reals, they don't pay me enough. at all. i mean, i'll definitely hold on to it as long as the search takes, but when the opportunity comes for some new shit, best believe i'm jumping on it.
oh, and the beats, man. the BEATS!
y'all is for the most part unprepared for my beats.
3 minutes left for lunch. holla.