i just ate way too much. this gas is going to be :wicked:
hope these motherfuckers are ready.
i'm on a get big diet, again. trying to see a cool 30 units added to the ol' gravity pull. my arms are sore from the shoulder presses and curls i was doing last night. press n' curl. ha.
binformed's got a little get together this friday, i guess i should fall through... i've gotta get this review finished prior, tho. i'd feel bad partying up with them, and i haven't accomplished shit yet.
should be fun tho. happy hours are always, well... happy.
also- sis called about some insurance, and if we exclude my unlicensed younger sister from the policy, we actually get a pretty good quote.
i'm not trying to have all kinds of fancy protection that we'll never use. the bare minimum for the state of pennsylvania will do. but my older sister (who isn't working...) wants full tort.
c'mon, man. be easy.
anyway... things are moving along with the automobile. i'm excited. road trips ALL year cuz.
...oh yeah.
these mufukkiz is bout to catch some gaseous substances up in this office, yo.
hey sak, i wore my hat today, because it was that cold.
now my head smells like sakling...