so i went into the ER last thursday night.
the whole day, my heart felt like something was off. almost like a fluttering in my chest, and there was a little pressure. i assumed it was something i ate (or hadn't eaten) and i shrugged it off.
11 pm that night, i'm sitting down to eat a late dinner and watch Jon Stewart, when my heart starts pounding, and i get light headed, almost like i'm about to pass out. i put the food down, pause, let it chill; and then- assuming the worst, i'm like "heart attack"- i grab the phone to holler at moms.
it happens again and i start getting frantic.
i get moms, and she offers to take me to the ER at Lankenau Hospital. i honestly didn't feel like getting prepped for chilling up in a hospital all night, but i sure didn't wanna sit in the apartment wondering if i was going to make it through the night.
long story short, i get to the ER, take an EKG and sit there for nearly 4 hours before they tell me that they don't see anything wrong, and discharge me. now, i like hearing that nothings wrong.
but something was wrong. i've been around the block nearly 26 times and i've never felt that before.
they did say that there was some mild arrythmia/palpitations, but the stuff i felt when i was watching jon stewart certainly didn't feel mild. i have to get to the doctor. i'm going to try to procure a holter monitor.
i've got a feeling that it may have much to do with the terrible treatment of my body i've been executing in the last few years. short nights, long days, sporadic unhealthy meals, stress. the retarded thing is that i KNOW this stuff can kill me. for instance:
i slept all of 4 hours yesterday. this has been going on for at least a week. i went to bed at around 6 am sunday morning. i stayed up til 4 am that night. up til 3am on friday.
i don't even wanna discuss how i've been eating. and i had the nerve to try to start a weightlifting program?! lol with supplements??
i'm surprised i didn't have to deal with this before.
i guess my main thing now is that i want to make sure that my heart will be ok in the future. like, is my condition (whatever it may be) reversible?
if it is, it will most likely be by correcting all the lifestyle errors i'm committing. unfortunately i can't start untl i get home tonight, but yeah...
1) sleep. way more of it than i get. it's hard because i work 8 hours a day, which means im devoting about 12 hours out of a day to work related processes. being an artist who doesn't see $ for his toilings, finding a time efficient compromise between my day job and my life's calling is incredibly hard. i ain't gon' die off that though. bed by 12:30am is gonna have to be mandatory.
2) eating. i need to grocery shop every 2 weeks, without fail. i rarely shop without DIRE need. i also need to prepare my meals more faithfully. and i've GOT to eat regularly. smh.
stress? well.
yeah. gtfoh.
hold a candle light vigil for your boy, folks.
I've had problems w/ arrythmia. was treated for wolf parkinson white syndrome a couple years back (aka WPW syndrome). a good cardiologist can do wonders. meanwhile, you need to chill. stress can definitely cause palpitations. and definitely get a second or third opinion; seems like some cardiologists don't take young people seriously. I'm just speaking from my experience. eliminate all unnecessary stress and eat real food instead of fast food. stay healthy, bruh.
2:07 PM
you know what you need to do, dayb. the path lies ahead; simply walk it. take care of yourself -- you're all you've got. knucklehead.
7:18 PM
sleep is underrrated.
lifting and not sleeping is gonna be counterproductive. you're body needs at 8 hours of rest, and a 24-hour break before you work that muscle group again.
good luck, man. take care of yourself.
10:20 PM
handle ya business partna
that's what's wrong with brothas, we get tunnel vision and don't take care of ourselves
I'm in the same boat: struggling artist, day job far from the crib AND I'm married (happily, but it's another time commitment)
consider it your warning, do better
stay up
1:04 AM
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! »
3:56 PM