sometimes i be like, why blog?
'cause you open yourself up to a bunch of folks taking shots at your personal thoughts, offering unsolicited advice, etc, whateva whateva.
but if i can't handle that, i aint shit right?
and on top of that, just maybe these niggas is right.
it's been said that i have communication issues.
i'll be honest, i don't like spending a whole lotta time laying bare my soul with my friends and lovers, journeying hand in hand into the depths of my soul and being judged. it's true.
but i can write about personal things with a bit more candor. complete candor if i don't know/don't care who's looking.
and that applies across the board, too. i can be more of myself if i don't know/don't care who's looking.
so that's my resolution for '07. along with stacking paper at ALL COSTS i will be not caring who's looking, and not hyperextending myself to find out if people are looking.
and she was right.
decisions need to be made about the people in my life, and how my interactions will be with them. it's a tremendous disservice to them and myself to be caught in purgatorial netherworldish relationships.
here's to the fires in our lives.
let's suffocate the dying embers, call the red truck on the out of control blazes and stoke the flame that keeps us warm at night.
do what you have to do to strengthen you.
9:30 PM