woke up this morning...
and boy did i not want to continue in my current mode of life a SECOND more.
i know it was a half-asleep notion, but for a split second i seriously thought about quitting and moving back home.
i just ain't feel like going to work.
anyway, i'm here, day's chugging along smoothly and i look and smell good, i ain't complaining.
i been thinking about school again. i know, i'm all over the place, but i think it could be a good move. i wanna take some piano and music theory classes. maybe a course in business or real estate or something. nothing wrong with having new ways to think about the things you do, hone up on a skill or something. the piano classes would be fantastic, i think. i'm looking in to it.
i'm gonna try to make a serious commitment to writing in this blog regularly. i don't really know why, outside of the fact that i like writing my thoughts down and keeping tabs on my subconcious as much as possible, and pen & paper journaling and the like don't really work for me. i'm much faster at a keyboard.
that's all i have for now, i think. i might go hit up the other blog.
you've got aspirations...
that matters most.
10:11 PM