tonight i'm going to attempt to begin living like a human being.
don't ask me to expound. just know that it's very necessary.
interesting developments in the everyday life. lots to blog about, but not so much stuff that i'd like to go public with. this is what results when your internet life and your "real" life are so tightly intertwined. one is always in earshot of the other, and only the most silver-tongued typer/speakers can navigate that duality with any modicum of success.
i'm THIS close to quitting my job. niggas is blocking everything on the internet @ work. bills aren't really being met completely by the paychecks. i'm mad creative right now, but work saps that tremendously. finally, the job has become utterly transient and disposable in my mind. like literally, i don't expect to be here more than 6 more months. less than that if i have my druthers.
i know it looks like i'm hustling backwards, but i don't know what else to do. i can't help how i feel, and i've spent much of my life doing opposite of my gut feeling. for whatever reason. hasn't gotten me anywhere.
the girls look so good...© chi ali.
i won't speak on their minds. sometimes they ready, sometimes not. but the girls definitely be looking and smelling and everythingelsing good.
i need to chill.
i'm taking a trip down to DC in like 2 weeks. there's a show, a paycheck and many folks i haven't seen in a minute waiting for my arrival. i'm excited. mostly about the money though. i'll take tons of pics and maybe even some video.
i'm starving. i was asked to take my luinch at 1 because the people who are supposed to be on phones all called out. i have the shakes. niggas is keeping me from my shrimp egg foo young. stop wildin yo.
anyway. 12:55. i'm out!