oh snap.
i just realized Dilla's One Eleven is exactly one minute and and eleven seconds long. i'm probably really late with that. well, as late as you can be on an album that was officially released just over a year ago.
what's good?
yo this is officially the longest week in the history of april 2007s. sheesh. it's like groundhog day, 'cept today instead of just being cold, it's raining too. wtf is up with this month? this has been the lamest month so far this year. january was popping more than april?
w p o g i t?
i'm really tired today. aside from the week being long, i've just been awake too much. minimal sleep for at least 3 weeks now. it's gotta stop somewhere, i'll try to make an official go of it tonight. go home, clean, down some mountain dew and turn the music up way loud. god knows i need to clean.
then, as my body surely will inform me, i will not be able to take it anymore, and i will collapse into a freshly made bed with a smirk rife with satisfaction, to be whisked away by the cloud 9 chariots to an undisclosed location where dreams are made.
(fyi: gobstopper bangs so hard. and busta rhymes murdered this when he spit on it.)
i've been scrobbling my listening exploits, and it's fun. last.fm is a really cool little time waster for somebody that listens to music as much as i do. now that i got it working at work, my plays are gonna skyrocket. i'm gonna add a last.fm quilt to this blog (i already have a last 10 played on my other blog) . the quilts are pretty. cool. pretty cool. no homo.
11:54 niggas!
5 more hours til i get off. :(
i thought this week would never end... you're right, it was too long... and the weather? piff... *sighs*
9:47 PM