i am alone.
lay in wait
bathing my conscious sanity in
keepsake memory filled
the warm
resonance of her voice
affixing her name to my tongue
and crafting an amalgam of lullabied prayers
breathed into a coffin
to sleep inside
i gird my loins in her lavender;
an embattlement of reminiscents that
she's entrusted to me, of
full moons, and the arias they script
and i believe we've exchanged skins
for i touch myself and
feel her
...my lungs adopt her rhythm and meter
and in these i find measurement in mileage
of my moments alone
a cold slumber
presents itself a soulless companion
imbibing itself drunk with my disconsolation
and i can smell
the foul scent of charred promises
with each chiming
of the clock downstairs
sonorous martyrs of an unclaimed night;
a night
muted by the roar of a hungry silence
the still that plagues the darkness
and challenges me to
a reckoning
i'll read her poem aloud until the sun rises
and imagine
myself between her legs
and her arms
and her lips
and imbue self and dream
with her silhouette
silhouetting her with dream and self
imbuing her lips
and her arms and
the betwixt of her legs,
my imaginings
rise the sun
until the poem that is her
reads aloud