another year in the books.
i started this blog in august of 2002. 5 years ago!!! not exactly five years, but 4 and change, 5 for all intents and purposes.
i'm gonna be 27 in 3 measly months. 27. i remember when my sister turned 27, i thought she was old as the hills. i know better now, she'll be 30 in april and yo, she young and in charge. damb that, we are not old. it just sounds very...adult. twentyseven. thirty.
wow. again.
so i'm back here at work. i was off from the 22nd straight thru, and i had a good vacation save for getting sick on christmas day. matterfact, lotta stuff happened over that stretch of time. james brown died christmas morning. saddam hussein got put down (still unbelieveable to me). gerald ford passed.
the entire world seems in a rush, a blur of current events and clocks striking 12, people running to unknown destinations and all the while, my life just sifting silently through my hands like beach sand on a hot summer day. i'm always trying to isolate reasons why life seems to speed up so dramatically as we get older.
i've come to the conclusion that we get so busy and so much more of our timeslots are occupied, that life just picks up velocity without warning. weeks are blinks of an eye all of a sudden, young relatives and friends age at alarming rates, and before you know it we're looking at a cousin or a nephew or niece and saying WOW you're getting so big! wow i'm getting old! wow wow wow!
it seems like once you've isolated reasons why this happens, you should be able to reverse it, or at least fight it, right?
not really.
i mean not that i have tried, but it just seems totally counterproductive at this point, to unclog my schedule.
i really don't do much that i don't NEED to do. i hardly even sleep.
i'm a shitpoor time manager anyway. i need help with that, that's not a lie.
ugh whatever. life is life, this happens to everybody... we all get older. it's a beautiful thing and it's a depressing thing, it's all about the angle with which you choose to observe it.
and again, i'm only 27. i could see if i was 45.
i spent nye in new york city again.
i probably won't do it again next year, unless of course i'm living thereabouts. 05-06 new years was crazy, and i was riding that high, or the memory of it, into 06-07's. yeah, nnnnot so much. don't get me wrong, it wasn't wack. it was very nice actually- but coupled with me being sick the whole week leading up to it and me being dead tired the whole weekend, i was like HMM i'm too old for this possibly. my girl mikaela sat in and slept and damn if that didn't sound positively divine. yah mean you snuggle up with your snuggle bunz and watch a movie and maybe count down with the times square ball and then check mtv for performances that might be interesting, then you just move on and get ready to face a new year. or you might wanna just be alone. all that drinking and loud music and whatnot is cool but you know.
i hardly even danced.
who knows, i was grinching hard this year anyway. maybe it just carried over. lol
everbusinessminded; i gotta talk goals.
it's a new year. the newest one yet! unprecedented age and experience levels. goals aplenty. lotta networking in the bag, too. lotta resources at my disposal.
i gotta get all my cannons spitting at the same target, man.
i feel pressure. it's a good pressure, but pressure nonetheless.
lets get it!©jeezy!
good to see you made it back safely and that you enjoyed yourself...
9:16 PM