King's County, New York State.
's where i'll be for most of tomorrow. haht, no?
i'm excited.. but the fucked up thing is that i'm doing this trip on such limited funds, i'm going to have to watch and make count every cent i spend.
should be fun tho. i don't travel much, so i'm looking forward to it, and besides. i'm visiting a friend from way back, even before i had a computer and a penchant for the dope rhymes, even before my first delusion of grandeur about being anything more than a scrub in life. haven't seen him since i was about 15... 7 years will do alot to ya. but, the reunion should be nice.
ok, so- the peach cobbler is out. not happnin jack. lol... i'ma see if i can cop some cookies or something.
yo... my body is so tired man. i'm serious. i went out and played some football with a bunch of guys thursday afternoon.. and my legs are KILLING ME. i'm like, cuz. i didn't do 1000 900lb squats. damn.
but yeah... i'll holla on tomorrow's events in a few days.