i don't consider myself a feminist.
some of the dogma that falls under the "feminism" umbrella i readily agree with, but to assume the full undertaking is currently beyond my available resources.
hence, i'm pretty ignorant.
but, in developing my manist-festo, i've come across a few question for those professed feminists who gander mine scribblings-
is feminism self actuated theory?
and, if not- is the theory structurally static, as regards religion, race, location, so that the fundaments of said theory apply regardless of the aforementioned distinctions?
just a question or two.
but, anyway.
so, it's been over a month since i typed a word to the blog thing, and everyday i put it off, the next day would be harder to make an attempt, because of all that's been happening.
i could literally type for the next 10 hours and barely cover the 1st week of my absence.
i've been out of the country, i went broke, i lost some things, i got some things, life changing experiences, all that... it's been a crazy month.
i got a car. a blue jeep cherokee sport, as yet uninsured; in fact- i haven't even changed the title over into my name, had it inspected, or acquired my tags. there's some sequential order to those three things, i'm not sure which is which, but i'm almost positive i need to transfer the title first. (it was my grand dads. no he is not dead.)
i got into a car accident with my father's maxima. i tore up the front end, and thusly am paying for the repair out of my anemic pockets. $1600.
i went to trinidad. it was one of the best experiences i've had in my life. i've never consumed so much alcoholic beverage in my life... they drink like fish there. the culture is dope though, and at the risk of romanticising it, cats here could learn a few things.
i've got plenty of pictures on the way. actually picked up 2 rolls today from ritz- 3 more on the way, with posting for viewing pleasure soon to follow. it was beautiful, man... not some ridiculous tropical paradise, there was poverty and gridlock and murder and cops with god complexes, but man. i really needed a break from philadelphia, and that trip came through at the perfect time. the wedding was nice, i actually ended walking in it. i met so many people- and the dopest part is that i'm GUARANTEED free room and board (and food) any time i can get down there.
that's great. on so many levels.
i came back from trinidad and promptly got sick- i went from 88 degrees to about 30 at jfk airport in a matter of 5 hours. body wasn't prepared, and i didn't pack a coat. 'tard move.
owner of my company died the day after i left. he was 87. its kinda weird with him not being there, he came to work and sat 10 feet away from me in a small office pretty much the large part of my tenure.
i think i'm going to try moving to new york again.
i'm getting better at this music thing. i need another year at least, but either i'm going to be the best mc ever, or the whole thing will fall completely on it's face. hard. there's no gray area.
i've gotten some focus back as to the overall mission.
i'm in love with my bestfriend. shes the illest man. when other cats fell off and got wrapped up in their own isht, shed be looking out for me... i'ont forget that kind of stuff.
and, that's it. for now.
look out for pics and the manist festo (if there is one) soon come.