i can't believe it's nearly october.
it's been over a month since i've shot an update into the blogosphere... it's about time i hollered back.
yeah, so.
i think i mentioned that i have a new job, right? it was only a temp position. thing is, i go on full time in a little less than 2 weeks. i applied for it permanently as soon as i could, about one week in to the assignment.
this job...is CAKE. CAKEY.
and it's the most money ive ever made in my life. lol
to give you an idea of how cakey this job is, in the past month and a half i've been here, ive posted on okp around two thousand times. i am blogging from work. i do my banking from work. i look for apartments from work. i myspace at work. i have an hour lunch, after which i come back and do more of the same.
you'd think i'm setting myself up, right? wrong. they love me. lol wtf?!
the audible jubilation from my supervisors when my perm hiring went through hitchless only certified things.
oh, it's cakey.
we spent 2.5 hours at olive garden last friday, a bday party for one of my team members. these people party for no reason at all. we had a 3 hour "Meet and Greet" 2 weeks ago, where we all put our phones on vcemail and walked around, eating food prepared by the different teams in the office. last thursday, there was a bday cake 8 feet from my desk at 9 in the morning.
soon as i go perm i get a week of vacation and sick benefits. sick as in dope.
these things don't happen to me. well, they didn't before. pardon my continuing shock. lol
anyway. yeah. things are good there, for the forseeable future.