i really don't feel like working.
i'm sure that comes as no surprise.
i've finished the bulk of my morning routine though, so i figured i'd spit a few thoughts into the blogosphere.
i've been kinda depressed recently. i have my moments, everybody does, and i do a good job of being positive overall, but it's been hovering about the premises of my life for a good 3 weeks or so, at least. i guess the good thing is that i know where it stems from, and i have an idea of how to fix it. it's just gonna take time.
in other news, i took an extra day off (vacation) after labor day. it was fully my intention to go to nyc and canvas labels and whoever else with beat cds, and do a little networking. hurricane ernesto and a paltry bank account thwarted those plans, but i ended up having an okay weekend anyway.
i'm again thinking about getting a second job. my year review is coming up next month, and i am up for a raise, but i don't expect anything fantastic or life changing. a nice little weekend retail jawn could help out a great deal. i'ma see where all the sam ash's are in the area, and fill out some apps. more money is always a good thing, and discounts on music equipment is even better.
i need to get back on my grind with working out too. i won't even front, a nigga fell WAY off. i'm ashamed son. as broke as i am, i got nothing but time. lol
things between me & the ex are weird, but good i think. i don't post much about it here for various reasons. but it is on my mind alot. i think i'm just really tired of occupying this weird space, it's super gr0ss!
i try to be understanding. i hope she does too, even though i give her alot less to go on than she does for me. i feel bad about that, but it's a defense mechanism on my part, and it's something i feel i have to do.
no more emo!
it's already the weekend again. hooray.
i got five bucks on another margarita at Copas tonight. i think i may make it a weekly haunt. the music is eh, the crowds be kinda thin, but the drinks are cheap and i'm not sitting at home beating my dick or making beats til the crack of dawn.
only one margarita on thursdays, though. last week i was dumb tilted at work friday morning.
aight. back to work.