*taps mic*
you ever think about how old you are, and then cross reference your age with pre-conceived notions of how far along someone your age should be in life?
well, i try not to do that, but i do know that where i am is not where i want to be.
on the flipside of the proverbial coin, you ever feel that you're on the cusp of substantial change?
i feel that way now. like SERIOUSLY.
MAN am i excited.
i found out my boy runs this magazine at a stevie wonder party last weekend.
being the lil' writer in training that i am, i decided to ask him if he was looking for contributions, staff writers, etc.
him being my boy, was like "yeah! just send our editor some writing samples."
this is the stepping stone. the foot in the door.
i've been trying to compile some real writing examples for him. i can't fuck this chance up, man.
this particular opportunity has also rekindled dreams of having my own magazine.
i swear, behind dreaming of making sweet love to special ladies, that's all i think about at work.
i done wrote up names for the mag, formats, scopes, all the way down to the particular columns. i even wrote a mission statement for the first issue. haha.
but i'm serious.
here's my problem tho.
i read lots of magazines that come out of new york. do you think it would be possible to have a mag that has a philadelphia outlook on life, something like a yellow rat bastard, or the fader , or even waxpoetics. all of these magazines have a new york consciousness, but aren't necessary covering new york specific shit.
could one pull that off in philly?
is there enough of a "scene" in philadelphia? i'd like to think so, but this city sometimes is hellbent on acting so damned small... like, for one thing, the 2am curfew that everybody's on.
that shit pisses me off, cuz i was really ready to get into some more stuff last weekend.
at least have another drink or something.
i dunno. i think it can be done, a mag coming out of philly that is for real.
that's my pipe dream for the month.
what else is new?
work is aight.
been getting to work early, leaving late, making healthy amounts of overtime.
i like the job, but i don't.
i like it because it's easy. most of the guys are likeable. the day goes fast, and i get paid at the end of the week.
i don't like it because i've heard horror stories about working conditios, treatment of employees, etc. i believe it all. lots of these guys have been there 10+ years, no advancement, no nothing. there's an older guy, cliff, who works in the dept. next to mine, been there 18 years, and is waiting on the owner hand and foot. washed his fucking car last friday.
dude... for real? your car?
i wish.
i wish that bastard would have the testicular fortitude to ask me to wash his car down. i'm like, wow, what's cliff's job descrip again? but these guys, as they told me last week, don't have options right now. they've got kids and mortgages and medical bills and car insurance to pay for.
yeah, so i gotta remind myself to not get comfortable here. i can see this job becoming mad routine, and all of the sudden, it's ten years later, i'm 33 with a wife, and locked in this bullshit. i'm not giving these stingy motherfucks the opportunity to fuck me over...
some of the stories i heard, yo.
but it's steady work, so i can complain.
4 day work week this week!