little break in the workflow, so i figured i'd holla.
day-to-day life blogs are largely depressing. and boring. i think that's why i rarely update this one. everybody's heart broken, poor, hungry, hot/cold, sad. if energy is really being expended into the atmosphere when folks throw those negative vibed blogs out there, do i REALLY need to add to it with more of the same?
i thinks not.
i'm bent on positivity. i mean, it's not like i don't deal with those things too. but for god's sake, i'm 26. the glass is occupied midway, and i (& people like myself) can look at it as being half empty or half full. i'm trying to be a half full kinda guy.
so my lease is up at the end of the month. i've been contemplating my next move as far as living arrangemenst go, for about the last 3 months. been rifling through craigslist webpages and doing math calculations, in attempts to figure out what i can afford, and how soon. the pressure was starting to wear down on me... then all of a sudden, i had an epiphany.
what if i stayed put?
my biggest issue at this point has been the size. my kitchen is unbearably small, and if you do a 360 spin in my bathroom you will probably end up in the local ER. but i don't cook a WHOLE lot, and well. who does 360s in their bathrooms?
the other rooms are on the small side too, but when you're working with limited funds, size of living space is usually the first option to be compromised. let's be real. i live on a very nice block in a very nice section of the city, and i have a 1 bedroom (in theory) apartment. i live alone.
i'm doing alright.
the epiphany hit me, as i struggled to drag my mattress out into the living room. it was ridiculously hot last night, and my measly fan was basically just tacking on $ to the end of an overdue electric bill. my living room is bigger than my bedroom... but not so much that it would be an uncomfortable room to sleep in. i did quite nicely last night. on top of that, one of the main reasons i wanted more space was to accomdate the slowly growing studio. if i moved my every day stuff into the bigger room, and had my bedroom strictly as studio space, it would give me what i need, to an extent.
so, today's the day. after work i'm going to go home and start rearranging things. i'm really not looking forward to it, because it's unfairly hot, and there's shit EVERYWHERE, but i gotta knock it out as quick as possible, because the RE company's been showing my apartment already. if i wait to long, it'll get snatched right from under my feet, and i'll have to move ANYWAY. if it works, though, that's what i'll be doing. (doubly good is that it will give me the opportunity to REALLY clean my apartment. i don't feel like it, but it's been put off long enough.)
i want a new camera.
to say that my current digi is long in the tooth would be a severe understatement. not to mention i dropped it, and now the battery door doesn't close correctly.
i've been looking at the Canon SD-550. it's really small, 7.1 mp and it has a nice big screen. a far cry from my current cam.
god, niggas need to buy beats so i can live a little further than my means!
i have my year review in october. i don't want to rush the year along, but i'm excited to get a raise. word is it's anywhere between 2 & 5%. that isn't a whole lot, but if it's more, i can not be mad at it.
anyways, i'ma get back to work. my niggas, holla.