good morning.
so a brother was on some serious mia shit. to anyone who was worried, i apologize. sincerely. my phone is back on, in case you were wondering. feel free to holler.
it is 5:48 in the morning, and i am really really tired. i have class today, at 8am, i am not prepared for this shit yo. not today. i find silver lining in the fact that spring break is literally around the corner. in fact.. after wednesday's classes, i am home free until about the 10th of march. march is gonna be a good month, too. got common concert on the 1st, a roots concert on the 15th, and somewhere in between i'm turning twenty three... spring break is on... so i have this week to wallow thru. i suppose it's not too much to ask.
aight... i feel kinda bad about my trend of blog-neglect and friend-neglect that i've unwittingly adopted, so i'ma try to explain, somewhat.
i'm not on the comp much these days. main reason for that is, we got a new computer. it's really nice, and of course it's been positioned in the house so that everybody has access to it.. that's cool. i actually had no intent on really using it, because the comp upstairs worked perfectly(<-75% truth) fine, and had a nice quick DSL line running into it. for some reason, around the same time we got this comp, the DSL line upstairs stopped working. needless to say, i've been pissed.
oh, i called verizon for some explanation... the disgust that i have developed for verizon's tech support staff and efforts is quite unmeasurable. i should never have to wait on the phone for 47 minutes on a weekday, to speak to a rep of some sort. i don't want to be transferred. i pay close to $70 a month for a phone and a DSL connection, i want this shit to work. and if it doesn't work, i want to know why, immediately. and i want it fixed before you tell me why it wasn't working.
so fuck verizon.
anyway, moms and pops got verizon DSL down here. alas, the only internet connection in the house. and instead of one cat using it, it's about 5 or 6. my sisters are always on the comp, and i'm usually too tired to demand some comp time, usually resulting in a verbal scrimmage with them.
so i'm never here.
those of you who have my cell number, probably noticed that dave's phone got turnt off.
yes, if sprint would like to, they can also suck the dick. suck-n-swallow.
i went over my monthly anytime minutes for january.. they cut my service off. coo. i subsequently send them a check for $129.16 (!!!) and therefore, quite righteously, i might add, expect my shit to get cut back ON.
my minute-recycle date, feb 16th, comes. no service. i'm calling. sprint, unlike verizon, doesn't even tease you with LONG ASS WAITING AND ELEVATOR MUSIC, like perhaps, just maybe, if you wait long enough, you'll get a representative. sprint's service lines are COMPLETELY AUTOMATED. touch-tone-phone-bullshit. i don't like pressing buttons when i need to explain and\or have shit explained. maybe 's just me.
but dammit, when i send you a check for $129.16 and when i pay 49.99 up FUCKING front for mobile phone service, what i want should be paramount, right?
so i had a $200 phone sitting on my desk, fully charged, ready for use as a clock, a tip calculator ( i lie to you not, i calculated a tip @ chili's last week) and an all-around nifty conversation piece, but NOT as a communication device.
so fuck sprint. sprint? fuck you.
fuck you sprint. keep sucking the dilznick... i'm not done yet.
SO, i FINALLY speak to a (albeit retarded) human being, and ask whether my check has been recieved. of course she says no. i say thank you, hang up, call my bank, give em the check number and tell them stop it immediately. it costs $10 to stop the check. i submit to the rising costs of handling business, and tell her to go ahead and stop it.
now when a check is stopped, you know, shut me up if i'm wrong, but when a check is stopped, that usually means the person(s) it was made out to, can no longer be satisfied with a payment, because the check they hold is no good, right?
so... i intend to just take the money to the sprint store downtown, and pay right there, so there is no mistaking. i plan to do this wednesday, the 20th, after my art125 class.
DURING my art 125 class, i get a call on my dead (?!) cell phone.
why is my shit on?
i mean... according to my bank, i did not pay them. the only payment i sent to them was check #277, which was canceled on tuesday, the 17th.
so what the fuck is going on?
sprint on some shit, sun. some shit!
anyway, enough explaining. if folks were wondering, my cold is leaving me, finally. i put up with that shit for 3 weeks yo.. lol.. wtf?
...surprised i ain't die.
class in 2 hours. i'll be home by 6:30.
wish me luck.