i'm back.
ain't much in the way of substantial jumpoffs.
romance and the lack of it, keeps me up at night. i haven't slept more than 2 hours per night since sometime last week.
and, it's not sex, people. that's so last year. it's more like, intimacy, friendship, a bed buddy beyond boning.
weneedeachotherandweknowitsoitdoesn'thavetobesaidbecauseicanseeitinyoureyes. but, if'n it's not in the picture for the right now, i'll wait.
'cause i know i'm *that* negro you run home and tell moms about. chea.
in other news, i'm about to do this. for real. music wise i mean. my beats are still more basic than i'd like them to be, but i just wanna get these words out right now. i'll spit over a heartbeat if it keeps it's rhythm correct. i've been doing some calculations, and i need something to the tune of $500 to really get the studio popping. maybe a lil less, if i'm able to cop this.

the nerve center.
then, i cop this.

rode nt 1 mic. above all else, the vocals have to be pristine. i have a mic now, but it really sucks.
i did a quick verse over a quick beat, and i went thru a mixdown, applied effects...
dawg. it's so over.
i mean. it took me forever to realize, but i'm seeing now my potential... and plus, so many wack albums out there. please. i wanna do an EP first, throw it at the masses and see how they respond. and, of course, there are the haters. my dad basted me today for having a beat playing too loud, and my sister doesn't want me to do it. but it's whatever yo. this year man... i'm not waiting for cats.
it is ON.