feeling much better, thanks.
i guess my issues have been resolved, or rather i'm just going to ignore them for the time being.
i've got some new ones, though. i took the car in for inspection last friday. was on the cell all day getting reports from my sisters and my dad about how the whole thing was going. apparently, in order to pass vehicle inspection, i need $300 worth of work done to the car. that sucks, but it's not all. i haven't even gotten the grand total which would factor in the work i needed done to pass the emissions inspection... another $300 perhaps?
i wouldn't be the least surprised.
i'm trying to brace for the worst... figure i'll hear by tomorrow the damage it's gonna do. i'm really going to need lex and gillian to ante up on time, because i've got a trip to go to. more on that later.
the inspection, though, is still an ongoing process, so- needless to say- it wasn't ready for my trip to great adventure on saturday. had to rent a car. tried going through avis, but they are the worst. didn't find that out until i got there, of course. 8:30 in the morning, two people waiting on me to pick them up so we can get there early, and they are telling me that i can't rent the car. i was trying to prepare myself to tell my passengers-to-be that i didn't have a car, and we wouldn't be going anywhere that day. luckily, though, my dad knew of a dealership that rents cars, and we ended up geting a 2004 ford focus wagon. it was nice, actually. if i was a college student starting out, and part of a family where they do things like supply you with a car for college, i would love to have that car. no frills, a cd player and a pretty good sound system.
all in all, it worked out ok, but the problem is that it ended up costing us $130 to rent it. ridiculous, man. i'm going to be spending money all this week.
then i had the nerve to win a bid on a digital camera on ebay.
so... i'm going to sell my soul to chaby for the next few weeks. gotta make this money back as much as possible, so i'm going to be doing all kinds of overtime.
but it's so worth it. maybe one day i'll explain.
i'll be back later. gonna do some actual work.