return to grace.
thanks for all the good words. i'm almost positive that it was the stomach flu. i just did some reading on it, and damn if i didn't exhibit nearly every symptom, including only dealing with it for for about 3 days.
whatever tho, it's over with, and i'm not mad.
i ended up leaving work early on thursday and not coming in on friday. come to find out that a good portion of the office got sick around the same time i did, and were out on friday as well. oops...

so, my christmas/new year's is shaping up to be pretty bland. the homeslice is back home until the 5th of never, and being in save-mode as i am, there's not much i can do in the way of entertaining myself. guess i better buy some records and try to make the most of it.
speaking of which-
i was contacted yesterday afternoon about a beat i did, "Necessary Evils", for purchase. i'm looking at a $250 come up around the end of january. not bad. this has to happen much more often. i'll probably take that money and put it toward a mic. this EP is finna happen, dog.
i was researching some of those side grinds i mentioned a few posts ago, over the weekend. i happened upon a site that discussed writing Op-Ed pieces for newspapers.
i think i'ma go for it, yo.
all around the country. L.A. Times, New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, Chicago Sun Times, wherever. the page said that they all pay, even said that the Inquirer compensates to the tune of $100 for a published piece. i can do that. i'ma really study up on improving the quality of my writing, though. i've already compiled some pretty good online informational sources on the subject, so i'll be spending my time reading up on those, and getting my practice on. besides, it can't but help to get a few joints in print, as a reference for when i try to get some shit in wax poetics.
i'm slacking @ work, b.
i'll holler later on.